the story of

Myth Busting – I can’t become a foster carer, I’ve got a job.

Becoming a foster carer does not require you to quit your job. Foster carers come from a wide range of backgrounds, and you can make a meaningful impact in a local child’s life by becoming a foster carer today.

Recently, we spoke with Claire, who shared her and her husband’s experiences as foster carers with Foster Wales Monmouthshire while continuing to work.

Can you work and foster?

Yes, I have always worked alongside being a foster carer. I work part-time as a support worker with Mencap, and I love it.

I also sit as an Independent Panel Member on a couple of different Fostering Panels, which I really enjoy, though it’s a lot of work.

What’s your secret to staying organised?

My husband works full-time but is very much involved in caring for the children who live with us, and we are an excellent team.

We have regular sessions of going through our diaries and planning ahead; we then know who is responsible for what each week, as in school transporting, transporting for family time, attending meetings, helping our daughter get to college, etc.

We also have our own roles in the house and plan our time to fit those in.

I think good communication is the key to good organisation.

My mum helps us by making delicious cakes; she often pops around with cupcakes or a pie, which the children love!

Do you have any advice for people considering combining fostering alongside their existing work commitments?

I advise ensuring you have good support from professionals, family, and friends and, importantly, utilise that support.

Talk to your manager and explain the fostering role and what would be needed from them to help make it work; if they understand it, they are more likely to be supportive.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help and advice. Use the Fostering Community around you. We are all there to support each other, both formally and informally. 

Want to find out more about becoming a foster carer with Foster Wales Monmouthshire? Contact our team today:

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