
Sons and Daughters Month

Sons and Daughters month is the Fostering Network’s annual campaign to celebrate the vital contribution the children of foster carers play in a fostering household. It’s an opportunity to highlight how much they do for children and young people in care and how important they are to successful fostering.

So throughout October to help celebrate sons and daughters month, we are hearing from the children of foster carers as much as possible, we want to hear their stories and learn more about what being part of a foster family is actually like – when its great and not so great – to help make fostering better for everyone.

Ava’s Story

So we have spoken to Ava, who’s 7 almost 8, whose family fosters to give us a peek into her life at home.

What would you have liked to know before your family fostered?

That sometimes mammy and daddy don’t know if we are allowed to go places until they ask social services. 

Can you tell us some of the good parts about being part of a foster Family?

I like having everyone here, because I like having people to play with and talk to if mammy is busy or cooking dinner. Sometimes I get sad if someone is nasty to me but it’s ok now. I like having brothers and sisters and we do lots of stuff together. I like mammy being at home and taking us to school every day, now that she doesn’t work in an office anymore.

What are some of the challenges of fostering?

Sometimes she has to take the boys to family time and I get sad because I want to go too. 

How do you feel about being part of a family who fosters?

I like having someone to play with and we do lots of things on the days off from school. And we are helping because mammy said there’s not enough houses for all the children to live in. 

Story Time

Stories From Our Carers

Woman and young girl using computer to make video call

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